Stilwell Kiwanis Club

Karlee Jo Ingram


Strawberry Queen

Karlee Jo Ingram is the 2025-26 Strawberry Queen.

The Stilwell High School junior was also named Miss Congeniality and Crowd Favorite at the scholarship pageant at the Carson Auditorium.

photo of Karlee Jo Ingram, the 2025-26 Stilwell Strawberry Queen

First Runner Up is Samantha Taylor, 17, the daughter of Andrew and Robyn Taylor.  She is a junior at Stilwell High School.

Second Runner Up is Savannah Cunningham, 18, the daughter of Joshua and Teresa Cunningham.  Savannah is a homeschooled senior.

Raesha Martinez

Raesha Martinez

Contestant number 1 is Raesha Martinez.

Raesha is the 17-year-old daughter of Rey and Deyanira Martinez. She is in the 11th grade at Stilwell High School and active in the Spanish Club and Soccer.

Raesha attends Impact Church and is very interested in church activities, her community, and working at the Boys and Girls Club. She thinks that running for Strawberry Festival Queen is a great opportunity, and she’s excited to be a part of the contest. Raesha plans to be a Dermatologist in the future.

Aaliyah Larson

Aaliyah Larson

Contestant number 2 is Aaliyah Larson.

Aaliya is the 17-year-old daughter of Tisha and Jonathan Larson. She's in the 11th grade at Stilwell High School, where she's very active in YHHL (Youth Action for Health Leaders), Key Club, Drama Club, Cherokee Club, Prom Committee, FCCLA, and volleyball. She is also active in her community with 4-H and in her church’s Reckless Youth group at the Community Church in Stilwell, Oklahoma. Aaliya wants to be Strawberry Festival Queen to show people they can do anything they set their mind to and make a difference for those around them. Aaliyah plans to study forensic science in the future.

Karlee Jo Ingram

Karlee Jo Ingram

Contestant number 3 is Karlee Jo Ingram.

Karlee is the 18-year-old daughter of Becky & James Barnes and Jeremy & Christina Ingram. She is in the 11th grade at Stilwell High School and has been a cheerleader for the past two years. Outside of school, she is very active in her community, assisting in teaching at a tumbling class for kids. She is a member of First Christian Church in Stilwell, where she is a very active youth member. Karlee is running for Strawberry Festival Queen because she wants to learn to try new things and feels like this is a great opportunity to do that. Karlee aspires to be a Radiation Therapist in the future.

Samantha Taylor

Samantha Taylor

Contestant number 4 is  Samantha Taylor.

She is the 17-year-old daughter of Andrew and Robyn Taylor. She is in the 11th grade at Stilwell High School, where she has played both basketball and volleyball in the past. This year, she is focused on her future career and attends ICTC and high school classes. She is a member of First Baptist Church in Stilwell, where she is active in the church choir, youth activities, and serving in the nursery.

She says it has been a lifelong dream to run for Strawberry Festival Queen, and she is so excited to have the opportunity to run this year. Samatha plans to be Registered Nurse in the future, focusing on being a traveling nurse.

Savannah Cunningham

Savannah Cunningham

Contestant number 5 is Savannah Cunningham.

Savannah is the 18-year-old daughter of Joshua and Teresa Cunningham. She is in the 12th grade and is homeschooled. Savannah is involved in the local homeschool group, where she is a leader and helps with the younger children. She is very active in Power House Church in Stilwell, where she is part of the youth worship team and is happy to serve anywhere she can. She wants to be Strawberry Festival Queen to expand the opportunities for her to serve in her community.

Savannah plans to run a bed and breakfast in the future with her mother, while also focusing on music and serving the Lord.

Past Winners

2024 Strawberry Queen Lily Ritter was crowned Saturday, April 6, 2024 at the Edna Carson Fine Arts Auditorium in Stilwell.

As queen, Lily Ritter received a $1,000 scholarship, $500 from the Forever Giving Back fund from the former queen group, and a ruby and silver broach sash pin by Jack Spinks. Lily is a student at Stilwell High School, and the daughter of Brian and Tara Ritter.

“I was really, really surprised that I won,” Lily said. “I feel so grateful. I prayed every single time I came on stage.”

Second runner up was Kylee Laginess, receiving a $500 scholarship and Kendra Scott earrings, and the first runner up was Jaycee Gideon, winning a $750 scholarship and Kendra Scott earrings and necklace. Mandy Kiddie was chosen as Miss Congeniality by her peers, and received a trophy, the award given in memory of Betty Barker. Jaycee Gideon won People’s Choice getting the most $1 votes. She received $250 in cash and a trophy. Also competing were Raesha Martinez and Aaliyah Larson.

During the competition, all six candidates smiled brightly, dressed up in street wear and later formal wear, performing a talent, and answering the final question: “In what way are you a phenomenal woman?” which was this year’s theme.

Adrian Gaches, outgoing queen, performed a dramatic monologue last year by that name that helped earn her the title. Her performance was considered so

outstanding, she inspired the theme for this year. She also performed the dramatic monologue again this year.

For talent, Kiddy read a patriotic poem, “Freedom Isn’t Free,” wearing her fatigues, as she joined the National Guard last year. Laginess did a flag routine,

Martinez demonstrated how, everyone is enough through expressive dance to “Try” and Gideon wore a traditional tear skirt, and told the Cherokee story about the strawberry. Larson performed a monologue, “This Hit Me,” and Ritter sang, “Turning the Page,” about unconditional love, which she said she saw demonstrated by her grandparents for themselves and her.

Judges this year were Jennifer Loren, Jeremy Charles, Brenda Carpenter, Jennifer Wickham, and Rachel Skinner.

Loren said a lot of things about the pageant impressed her.

“I was impressed how each one of the contestants really blew me away. I enjoyed getting to eat and get to know and see how much people around the county care. All the girls were deserving and worked really hard,” Loren said.

A new award presented during the pageant was the Ronnie Trentham Service Award for young men. Three young men spoke during the Princess Pageant that morning. Sam Patterson won the inaugural award with a $1,000 scholarship, Elijah Laginess was first runner up with a $750 scholarship, and Tony Davidson

Lily Ritter is the 2024 Strawberry Queen

won second runner up and $500 scholarship.

The awards were presented by Lorie Trentham, Ronnie's widow. Each candidate read their winning essays and each received $1,000 due to additional donations from the Trentham family, Kelsey Trentham Patton, Lorie Trentham, and Kyla Trentham Lundberg.

Kiwanis volunteers work with the girls each week on poise, learning routines, interview skills, and help with whatever each girl might need, whether it’s finding a dress or assistance with hair or makeup. Volunteers are there for two rehearsals and the final show, behind the scenes, running sound, and spotlights.

Kiwanis volunteer Grace Ferris has run a spotlight for several years.

“I enjoy giving back and helping one another. As a Christian, like the Bible says, people might see your good works and glorify your father in heaven. I get joy out of serving,” Ferris said.

It was the first year for Rhea Terrapin to volunteer for the queen pageant, and she operated a spotlight. She has helped with the Princess Pageant for years.

“It’s not hard,” Terrapin said. "I was able to make sure during a dry run and dress rehearsal to figure it out, and where to put my thumbs. Grace showed me how. I’m having fun and I enjoy seeing the progress of the girls from Friday nights practice to tonight."

2024 Strawberry Queen Contestants

Contestant #1

Mandy Kiddy

Mandy Kiddy is 18 years old. She is a senior at Westville High School. Mandy is the daughter of Winter Summers and Mike Kiddy. Mandy’s activities include volleyball and track. She currently serves on the Army National Guard, Student Council and the FCCLA club. Some of Mandy’s hobbies are makeup artistry and reading. Mandy plans to attend the University of Oklahoma where she will pursue running track for the Sooners and majoring in Psychology.

Contestant #2

Jaycee Gideon

Jaycee Gideon is 17 years old. She is a senior at Sequoyah High School. Jaycee is the daughter of Kristin Fourkiller and Randy Gideon. Jaycee’s activities include golf and basketball. She currently serves as National Honor Society President, Student Council Vice President, and Senior Class President. Jaycee is a member of the Student Wellness Action Team, American Indian Students in Science and Engineering club, and Competitive Speech and Drama team. Some of Jaycee’s hobbies include spending time with family, traveling and playing pickleball. Jaycee plans to attend the University of Oklahoma in the fall, majoring in Education.

Contestant #3

Kylee Laginess

Kylee is 18 years old. She is a freshman at Oklahoma Baptist University. Kylee is the daughter of Mike and Teara Plunkett. Kylee is an active member of the Bison Brigade Athletic Marching Band, and a delegate of the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Mock Legislature organization. In her free time, she volunteers for the Bison Buddy program and advocates for The Cerebral Palsy Foundation. Some of Kylee’s hobbies include running, reading, calligraphy, and crocheting. Kylee plans to finish her bachelor’s degree at OBU. Upon graduation, her aspiration is to continue her education in law school with the hopes of achieving a doctorate in law and politics.

Contestant #4

Raesha Martinez

Raesha is 16 years old. She is a sophomore at Stilwell High School. Raesha is the daughter of Rey and Deysha Martinez. She currently serves on the Spanish Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, FCCLA, Talent Search and is a member of the Stilwell Soccer Team. Raesha is the tenth-grade class secretary and is an active volunteer at her church, Stilwell Impact. Some of Raesha’s hobbies include spending time with family and being outdoors. She can be found most evenings at the Adair County Boys and Girls Club where she is actively employed as a Youth Development Specialist. Raesha plans on attending the University of Oklahoma’s medical program to accomplish her dream of becoming a Dermatologist.

Contestant #5

Aaliyah Larson

Aaliyah is 16 years old. She is a sophomore at Stilwell High School. Aaliyah is the daughter of Jonathan and Tisha Larson. Aaliyah is an active member of the High School Marching Band. She is in Spanish Club, Art Club, Speech and Drama Club, 4-H Club, and Key Club. Aaliyah is also a Youth Action for Health Initiative participant with the Adair County Officer Team. Some of Aaliyah’s hobbies include sewing, volleyball, and baking. Aaliyah plans to attend college with a major in Forensic Science.

Contestant #6

Lily Ritter

Lily is 17 years old. She is a junior at Stilwell High School. Lily is the daughter of Brian and Tara Ritter. Lily’s activities include golf and volleyball. She currently serves as FCCLA Vice President. Lily is a member of the Key Club, Art Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, and on Yearbook staff. Lily was featured on RSTV’s Show “Food Fight” representing Stilwell High School. Some of Lily’s hobbies include traveling, shopping, cheering, tumbling, and working out. Lily plans to attend the University of Arkansas on an academic scholarship majoring in Speech Pathology.




Kelsey discusses the benefits of participating in the 2023 Strawberry Queen Contest,

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